Has nothing to do with this blog entry, I just felt like writing it. This has been a good week for me music wise. I have been lucky enough to have my ears treated to some awesome tunes, which I will try and share with you here. It has come to my attention that if you are reading this on Facebook, then you will not realise that there are videos embedded in the posting. I have no idea why that is, but if you want to check out the tunes, you will need to go to my blogpage itself
Anyways, on with the music. Starting with this guy Jose James, an Irish/Panamanian jazz singer from Brooklyn. A real interesting voice, sounds a little like Antony Hegarty singing jazz.
This week I have had alot of love for J DIlla, mainly due to listening to some great sets from J Rocc and Madlib on Radio 1 and 1 Extra. Respect.
OK so this one is massive, its not out yet so quality not great here, but good enought to check out and enjoy
Diplo doing some favela funk sounds
It doesn't look like the crowd are really getting it!
This was rocking the gym yesterday, where I did some good chi sao with my mate Gyan. Well, he kind of kicked my ass actually, although I got a couple of sweet punches in.
Everyone seems to be putting balaeric piano in their tunes right now, well alot of the indie sounds anyway
Jay Z may be dissing Autotune but Kanye is still using it in this mix of Mr Hudson
Not balaeric but enjoyable.
What a trip this has been, from jazz to The Horrors. Thats all for now. I had a nice time, hope you did too.
I'm tired, I went to a party in the countryside last night, camped in a field, my tent leaked and i woke up in a puddle, rather cold to say the least. i then had quite a bike ride today. i'm exhausted, but as my friend patrick said, "you should be tired on a sunday night". I guess that means you got the most out of a weekend, before going back to the rat race.
Anyway, enough of that. Some music from the past 25 years, no particular theme, just good stuff.