Was hot, well it was hot everywhere in South California yesterday actually. Hollywood pretty much consisted of the famous Chinese Theatre, stars imprinted in the pavement, tatoo parlours, sex shops and loads of tourists. We saw someone famous in America filming a TV show outside the chinese theatre (Kathy Lee Gifford-I'm assured she is famous) and drove down Sunset Boulevard where all the clubs are like Viper Room and Whisky A Go Go, drove through Beverley Hills and saw some serious wealth, and Beverley Hills police station (ie Beverley Hills Cop).
Also saw this ultra hard looking Latino homeboy with tatoos all over his shaved head driving a pimped out ATV listening to gangster rap, thats when you really know you are in LA. In fact, alot of people here look scary, although i think that is my over active imagination, I'm sure not all Americans carry guns and dead bodies in the boot of their cars, although most do in the movies.
Seeing the iconic Hollywood sign up in the hills was cool, although, first time i saw it i was distracted by Heather, my host and guide for the day pointing out Home Depot, a home supplies shop, she obviously thought tourists are more interested in that kind of thing!
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