Saturday, February 7, 2009

Foz do Iguazu

brasil 212, originally uploaded by stangroomm.

It would be pretty unfair to not write anything about the falls at Iguazu. They are thebiggest collection of waterfalls in the world, its hard to describe the sheer powe and impressiveness of them, you kind of have to be there to get just how huge these things are. What is even cooler is how close you can get to them, they have built these very cool walkways that allow you to get up close, safely, although you do get wet! These falls in the background are the mos impressive, you can get right up close and you have in front of you a 180 degee panorama of water cascading very very fast, the sound, sight and mist created by the falls is great, and in the heat also very refreshing.

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