Monday, March 9, 2009


P3072341, originally uploaded by stangroomm.

So. I´ve got into capoeira. It´s fun. And humiliating. I thought I´d be half OK at it. I was wrong. Those guys have incredible strength and flexibility. I did a couple of informal classes with my new friend Arri, a guy from Itacare and then today in Salvador with a 20 year old girl, who has been doing capoeira for 15 years. I really, really sweated, and failed miserably at walking backwards in the crab position, doing a sweep, that looked more like breakdancing, and was moderatley succesful at the cartwheel based moves and more familiar spinning kicks.
Still, it´s good to try new things and test ones self. Even if it leaves you dripping wet and feeling useless, as well as knackered. Todays class also involved a music lesson, for those of you that dont know capoeira is a Brasilian martial art, brought from Angola originally by slaves, it was disguised as a dance, hence the music and rhythm of the moves.
Another class to look forward to tomorrow, befoer flying back to Colombia, last stop on the tour.............

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